Wednesday, December 22, 2010

nameless news shows

I pull into my driveway and hear a casual statement that they are going to discuss the panhandling problem in Saskatoon. I am always interested in such discussions and expect to hear a balanced view- rather I hear this nameless news man spout his thoughless opinions.(Yikes, I may be about to do the same!) Of course I recognize that is the joy of freedom of speech and the nature of editorials- but really? Is it necessary to describe panhandlers as those who cannot remember the last time they had a bath? He goes on of course to state that panhandling should be illegal and that we uphold the rights of one instead of the rights for greater society. While in some cases i agree, this is not one of them.
I know we dont like to be bothered to give out change to the down and outer on 22nd. We complain that 'those people' dont get jobs and dont get off the street. We say that panhandling etc is a detriment to our downtown. We are scared of the homeless, the poor and yes we are even afraid of those who cannot remember the last time they had a bath. So what do we do about it? We tell city council to ban panhandling- because that is a reliable solution? ( please note my sarcasm)

So my question is if we abolish panhandling what are wiling to do? Are we willing to employ those who are employable? Are we willing to offer food and shelter to those who lack? Are we willing to provide grants for social agencies? Are we willing to open our homes, to take our time and to take a risk to ensure that panhandling is not needed?

If the city that I am a part of provides enough affordable housing, ensures their are enough shelters, provides enough good food for its most destitute citizen- then we can talk about eliminating panhandling.

In the meantime I'd just like to see my nameless news man offer up his home one night a week to help those dirty panhandlers keep clean- at least one of his complaints will be resolved and everyone will remember the last time they had a bath!

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