Friday, February 19, 2010

The beginning...

I've always been fascinated by blogs and bloggers....after all they share their concerns, their queries, their political manifestos, thier ideas, and even their dreams with the world. I've always been an introspective, over thinker who likes to write out her i've decided to join the blogging world. Hopefully I dont forget to make regular posts and hopefully, together, we generate interesting conclusions and thoughtful questions.

A thought to begin with:

" I have come to define prayer as listening to that voice- to the one who calls you the Beloved. The discipline of prayer is to constantly go back to the truth of who we are and claim it for ourselves. My life is rooted in my spiritual identity. We must go back to our first love, back regularly to that place of core identity" Henri Nouwen

I always wonder if Nowen actually lived the way he writes...with such poetry and grace....I wonder at what point he simply accepted that he was beloved by God and that was enough?

The journey with God is interesting in that our constant perception of who God is challenges how we interact with every other aspect of life. For instance when I think of God as creator,it reminds me that I am created in His image , which means others are created in His image as well. It challenges how I view my neighbours, my friends and especially my enemies.
When i think of God as friend, it suprises me how uncomfortable that term can be. If I am a friend of God----maybe I should spend more time with him, treat him more nicely, take time to listen...

I suppose that is why Nouwen's statement about us being the Beloved is so powerful. He loves us...He loves me...even when I fail at treating my enemies well, or when I dont spend enough time with Him. He loves me even when ... He just loves me.
That in itself can be overwhelming.
" you are my beloved. with you I am well please..."