Wednesday, December 22, 2010

nameless news shows

I pull into my driveway and hear a casual statement that they are going to discuss the panhandling problem in Saskatoon. I am always interested in such discussions and expect to hear a balanced view- rather I hear this nameless news man spout his thoughless opinions.(Yikes, I may be about to do the same!) Of course I recognize that is the joy of freedom of speech and the nature of editorials- but really? Is it necessary to describe panhandlers as those who cannot remember the last time they had a bath? He goes on of course to state that panhandling should be illegal and that we uphold the rights of one instead of the rights for greater society. While in some cases i agree, this is not one of them.
I know we dont like to be bothered to give out change to the down and outer on 22nd. We complain that 'those people' dont get jobs and dont get off the street. We say that panhandling etc is a detriment to our downtown. We are scared of the homeless, the poor and yes we are even afraid of those who cannot remember the last time they had a bath. So what do we do about it? We tell city council to ban panhandling- because that is a reliable solution? ( please note my sarcasm)

So my question is if we abolish panhandling what are wiling to do? Are we willing to employ those who are employable? Are we willing to offer food and shelter to those who lack? Are we willing to provide grants for social agencies? Are we willing to open our homes, to take our time and to take a risk to ensure that panhandling is not needed?

If the city that I am a part of provides enough affordable housing, ensures their are enough shelters, provides enough good food for its most destitute citizen- then we can talk about eliminating panhandling.

In the meantime I'd just like to see my nameless news man offer up his home one night a week to help those dirty panhandlers keep clean- at least one of his complaints will be resolved and everyone will remember the last time they had a bath!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Choose Life

Last week was hard for all kinds of reasons. As I sat in the middle of my own heart ache, in the midst of my fears and my brokenness I knew that I had to choose wisely whether to rise or fall. Half of me wanted desperately to drown in my sorrow, yet the still small voice that I have come to rely on whispered:choose life.

Throughout the week as I battled between justice and mercy, rights and wrongs, vindication and solace, anger and peace , and finally revenge or forgiveness I knew that I had to follow the path of life.
So, in the midst of the storm I turned from anger, bitterness and revenge and found something to hold on to: Jesus. He came in such quiet ways: A song, a verse, a word from a friend, a page from a book. His quiet footsteps in the midst of the storm were becoming louder and more visible than the crash of thunder or the height of the waves. He stood in the midst of it and brought suprising calm and peace.

Now, that which I thought I should fight to maintain, to hold on to and to constantly resuscitate is being quietly laid to rest and the life, the abundant and full life that was promised in its stead is being resurrected.

At the end of each day, and sometimes just at the end of each breath I whisper: To God be the glory; for where would I be if it had not been for His grace that kept me.

Embracing the promised life!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Ps. 23

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

You cant have your cake and eat it too. These are important words for men and women alike. You cant have and give. You cant give and have. I wish it could be different but unfortunately our wishes lead to more wishing.

Monday, April 5, 2010


It's 1:49 am and I'm still awake...thinking of sleep but not there yet! As I prepare for sleep I was just reflecting on people. Sometimes I can be so I think I am better than others. Fortunately I've had some better experiences, and better opportunities,regardless, people are just people. Some are thin, some have great teeth, some have wavy or frizzy hair. some are lumpy and mismatched, while others are smoothly put together. But people are people. I am often reminded by the still small voice of God that humans are created in God's image. This should drastically change how I act and react to people and should cause me to love. Sometimes my love for people is blocked by their speech or their teeth, or their clothes or hair. I get irritated by their slowness to act or their inability to make a decision. I find myself separating myself from them not because of anything but my own biases. So the goal is to love people simply because they are created in the image of God. Remembering this changes everything...or at least it should.

1:57 am ....Now it is definitely time for sleep!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This past Sunday America and the rest of the world waited to see if the historic health care reform bill would pass. With its "Yes" suddenly the America that was enticed by the notion of change is regretful and remorseful over their choice of president. Their are sighs of discontent throughout the nation. When I look back over Obama's election I am still amazed at the historicity of the moment...a black man is the president...but I don't think that is why he was chosen. Some would like to spout that his race pushed him into office, while others would say it was because his competitor, Clinton, was not a worthy opponent. I believe that he was elected because in each of us we have this hope for change. We all want change. We idealistically want to see the high places brought low and the low places brought up...we think change is good-but we don't want that change to cost us anything. It is the cost of change that keeps us from wanting that which we think is beneficial for others.

While it would be nice if the poor could become rich...those of us who have, don't necessarily want to "give" in order to make this happen. It would be wonderful if everyone could have the same level of education, but not so wonderful if that means the wealthier schools must give for the 'have not schools' or if it increases our taxes. It is great if everyone can have access to affordable health care, but not if it costs doctors, insurance providers or citizens. Post- Secondary education is vital, but we only want it to be accessible to those who can pay...and no we dont want to have to pay for our neighbours. Homelessness, poverty, injustice, abuse...all horrible, all in need of change- but it will cost you. Are you willing to pay?

My conclusion is that : yes, we want change, we want equality, we want justice...but we just don't want it to affect how we live, what we buy, what we drive, what we eat , our status level, our comfort level or our families. Imagine what we could do as a society if we were willing to put others ahead of ourselves? What would happen if we were willing to go without so others could have? What would change if we didn't live for our own gain, but for the gain of others?

Simple concepts that are hard to put into action. Some call this socialism, other say its radical, some say its unrealisitic...but to me it sounds a bit like Jesus.

The big question is : what about me?

Friday, February 19, 2010

The beginning...

I've always been fascinated by blogs and bloggers....after all they share their concerns, their queries, their political manifestos, thier ideas, and even their dreams with the world. I've always been an introspective, over thinker who likes to write out her i've decided to join the blogging world. Hopefully I dont forget to make regular posts and hopefully, together, we generate interesting conclusions and thoughtful questions.

A thought to begin with:

" I have come to define prayer as listening to that voice- to the one who calls you the Beloved. The discipline of prayer is to constantly go back to the truth of who we are and claim it for ourselves. My life is rooted in my spiritual identity. We must go back to our first love, back regularly to that place of core identity" Henri Nouwen

I always wonder if Nowen actually lived the way he writes...with such poetry and grace....I wonder at what point he simply accepted that he was beloved by God and that was enough?

The journey with God is interesting in that our constant perception of who God is challenges how we interact with every other aspect of life. For instance when I think of God as creator,it reminds me that I am created in His image , which means others are created in His image as well. It challenges how I view my neighbours, my friends and especially my enemies.
When i think of God as friend, it suprises me how uncomfortable that term can be. If I am a friend of God----maybe I should spend more time with him, treat him more nicely, take time to listen...

I suppose that is why Nouwen's statement about us being the Beloved is so powerful. He loves us...He loves me...even when I fail at treating my enemies well, or when I dont spend enough time with Him. He loves me even when ... He just loves me.
That in itself can be overwhelming.
" you are my beloved. with you I am well please..."